Friday 21 March 2014

How to Increase Your Online Fan Following

The advent of the Internet was one of the major events in the field of information and technology. It was boosted in recent times by the introduction of social media, which played a major role in changing the way people connect with each other.

In recent times, Facebook, Google Plus and others have emerged as major players in the field of social media. They are gradually becoming the top platforms to connect with people from across the globe. And for that, it is necessary to build a proper fan base and increase your online following.

Tips to Increase Your Online Following

Share Useful Content to Add Value

Content remains one of the most important components of any online activity. It is important to post interesting content in your page and you need to do this on a regular basis.

However, you should also ensure that its level is high in terms of quality. You have to look into the fact that the content that you are sharing is of interest to your followers. Moreover, it should be exclusive and unique. You should avoid using mere product updates and instead, share properly planned content to ensure that people are finding it useful and interesting.

Ensure Your Account is Optimized

An optimized account on Facebook or Twitter can be one of the best things you can have online. Social media updates are found on search engine results now so it is important for you to ensure that your updates are perfectly composed to attract the attention of the readers and make them interested enough to visit your profile.

Make Your Profile or Page Interactive and Interesting

There might be a large number of fans on your Facebook page and a lot of followers in Twitter or LinkedIn. However, the page is not going to remain attractive and active unless you continue posting updates on a regular basis. Moreover, it is extremely important to interact with the fans and followers to ensure that they remain interested in your page.

Drive all forms of relevant discussions on your page to keep it interesting for your followers. It may happen that a visitor to your page finds a discussion interesting enough to like the page and join discussions in the future. Make the interaction interesting. Ask questions, reply to them and provide interesting information at regular intervals. This will help you to increase your online following, thus extending your reach.

Plan Interesting Offers and Incentives

Offers, incentives and discounts are likely to attract the interest of a large number of people within a short time. Announce an offer for first-time visitors who like your page. It can be a great way to increase your online following and gain more of them to potentially share news of your business. Customize the offers, depending on the type of social media website where you are sharing it.

Connect With Users of Similar Interests

Connect with people from the same industry or with similar interests. Form a specific group about a topic to ensure that you are able to discuss every necessary detail. This will also provide you with the opportunity to learn more and update yourself as well about relevant topics so you can implement them into your business operations.

It is important for you to use social media in successful ways to ensure that you can reap the maximum benefits from it to increase your online following.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

GET A SHOP ONLINE COMPLETELY FREE!!! offers free online shop with complete supports for shop owners.  The supports range from shoping cart to processing and completing the order. For mature shop owners, it also provide free training, and loads of information. The network currently have over 10 millions of users from over 190 countries and still counting.

You may have been looking for a way to clear your garage of items you no longer have need for, then visit  register and enjoy the additional money it brings to you.

Your benefit from in two ways, Garage sales or ECA program. The ECA  short for E-Commerce Affiliate, is the term used for commercial sellers and companies participating in TripleClicks ECA Program, which allows you to market products and services side-by-side with TripleClicks own products and services at There's no cost for you to list your products and services and you can immediately begin taking advantage of the exposure and growing worldwide traffic of

The advantages of becoming an ECA and how it helps your business are HUGE
  1. INSTANTLY Increase Your Sales by plugging your products and services into TripleClicks.

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  3. It puts the marketing muscle of over 10 million SFI members and affiliates to work for you, promoting and sell your products and services in over 20,000 cities in over 190 countries! Man!, that's huge compared to how much you would charged for just a fraction of that.
  4. No listing fees required and no risk. Simply sign up, upload your products, and start taking orders. TripleClicks retains a nominal amount only when you make a sale.
  5. TripleClicks further facilitates sales growth for you by providing you with your own, customized "TConnect" Website, a multitude of payment options for your customers, wish lists, gift registries, and lots more!
When you apply to become an ECA, you'll be asked to choose a domain name (e.g. This URL becomes yours to use as you like in your own promotions and is a special TripleClicks Website that features JUST your products, plus special features that allow you to connect with customers more deeply and grow your customer base in exciting new ways! As with TripleClicks standard program, for any orders, they'll take care of all payment processing for you and forward orders to you for fulfillment. If you currently don't have a Website for your products or services, you'll now have one, ready for you to use as soon as you've uploaded your product and service information!
  1. You also get to earn a wealth of experience of not only running an E-commerce store. But, the knowledge also helps you to be able to recruit ECA prospects and get them on their feet fast.
  2. You can be able to hold special sales for your products, offer free shipping, or do other special promotions at TripleClicks and these and other exciting features designed to help you generate maximum sales are all part of the ECA program.
So there you have it. It's like killing 2 birds with one stone. You earn both from your down line's duplication efforts as well as from the sales in your own ECA store. You are also allowed to ethically market your store to your down line in case you didn't know. Imagine how much money you might be leaving on the table because you are not an ECA yet? I can't wait to get my products up there soonest.

Simply sign up, submit your products and services, and get ready to take orders! It's quick, simple, and there's no risk because you pay nothing unless TripleClicks gets you sales.
Let's go for it!

Sunday 2 March 2014

How To enroll 100+ PSAs a day with a modest budget

If getting more PSAs is what you need then my first work is: "Build a high traffic website".

You can put out small amounts of cash. $10 for a domain name and $5 a month for hosting to get a Wordpress blog or SMF Forum site up and online. Add great contact and interact with the people who comment your work and watch your following and traffic grow.  Alternatively you can also use the free blog that Google provides once you have a Google email account.

Connect it by RSS to ping services so when you add new content your site notifies the search engines automatically of the updates. Connect it through social media so you and your readers can share the content virally. Use images and videos in addition to text and consider adding a podcast for your readers who are on the go to take your content with them.

Write great articles and find awesome content and then advertise around that content.

Build links through article marketing on distribution sites like Ezine Articles. Send out press releases and guest blog for others in your niche when possible. Connect with like minded webmasters and trade links or site reviews. The exchanged links are worth less to Google but they usually increase your traffic and build your readership which in turn gains back everything lost in link weight by boosting these two metrics in your search engine ranking.

Google like sites that are on topic, popular, and have a great deal of return traffic or regular readership. If the content is fresh and similar sites link to you as a resource your ranks will grow. Add in a healthy dose of social media clout and you will see a site capable of adding 100 new members a day after a few years of development.

The other option is to have more than a modest budget and buy from ECAs.  Visit these links for details: 

Your comments are welcomed always.

Saturday 1 March 2014


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